Ecuador Tours and Expeditions Agency



trip type



5 days

Starting at

USD 680

The YARINA Ecological Reserve is strategically located in a forest area that has the greatest biodiversity of micro-habitats in the Lower Napo area, this means that there are more species of animals, birds, flora, reptiles and insects per hectare than on other sides of the shores of the Bajo Napo and its surroundings. 

The YARINA Ecological Reserve is located on the banks of the Napo River, just 60 minutes by
motorized canoe ride from the city of El Coca. The Napo River is the largest tributary of the Amazon River, located in the very heart of the Amazon Basin.

20 multiple cabins (single, double, triple and quadruple) with private bathroom and hot shower.
Each cabin is equipped with beds (with mosquito net), hammock, wardrobe, nightstand and a lamp.
Each private bathroom has a hot shower and is fully equipped for your comfort and convenience.
All the cabins are built with typical materials of the area (guadua cane walls and toquilla straw roof).
Water is provided 24 hours a day in the bathrooms. The water is obtained from a well (20 meters deep).
Electricity 24 hours a day (110V.)
Overlooking a small river there is a large cabin where the passenger will find the dining room, bar and a rest room.
We offer a variety of food, if the passenger is a vegetarian we offer vegetarian food.
Our cleaning staff is in charge of fixing and cleaning the cabins every day.
For the knowledge and safety of the passenger, besides being a rule of the company; the administration has a safe to store jewelry, money, passport or any belongings that the passenger considers necessary and / or of value.

Opportunity to observe medicinal plants, birds, animals.
Short walks of 4 hours approx.
Visit to the Bird Observation Tower
Observation of techniques and materials used by indigenous people for gold panning.
Piranha fishing.
Canoe tour through the lagoon.
Practice with the blowpipe or blowgun.
Night canoe tour.
Opportunity to observe alligators, reptiles and nocturnal birds.
Visit to an indigenous Quichua family from the East.
We will learn their customs and traditions.
Night walk. Observation of the night life of the jungle.
Canoeing around the lagoons and rivers of the reserve.
Meeting with the SHAMAN (upon request).
Night camping in the very heart of the forest (optional)

MONDAY – Breakfast, after breakfast we will take a small canoe to go down the Manduro river to the Sapococha lagoon.We will walk around the lagoon delighting ourselves with the sounds of birds, amphibians and animals,and learn about various types of aquatic plants. Return to the lodge for lunch. In the afternoonwe will visit the Socali Trail, characterized by the variety of jungle terrains it crosses. This trail is used as an  introduction to the primary forest. Return to the lodge; dinner and overnight.

TUESDAY and/or SATURDAY: After breakfast we will go to the Capibara Trail.trail, the same that will fill us with adventure as we cross its swampy lands, characterized by a large number of palms that are not observed in any other type of terrain.any other type of terrain. Return to the lodge for lunch. In the afternoon
We will leave our rubber boots and hiking clothes for a short walk in shorts and T-shirt (recommended).shorts and T-shirt (recommended) to take a small canoe and enjoy a pleasant fishing piranha.Prior to this activity our guides will show the group the use of the most outstanding weapon of the Amazon “La cerbatana or bodoquera”.the “cerbatana” or “bodoquera”. Return to the Lodge; dinner and lodging. In the evening, the group will go out to observe caimans in canoes at observation in paddle canoes around the lagoon.

WEDNESDAY – Breakfast, we will get equipped for hiking. We will take a canoe and upstream we will sail into the jungle and enjoy the observation of butterflies, orchids and butterflies, orchids, amphibians, all this until we reach the Dos Ramas trail where we will take a short walk to learn about the where we will take a short hike to learn more about medicinal plants, birds and animals. medicinal plants, birds and animals. Return to the lodge for lunch. In the afternoon, we will navigate to the Napo River to enjoy its beaches, afternoon of swimming and getting to know the Napo River afternoon swimming and getting to know the Napo River and its inhabitants.

THURSDAY and/or SUNDAY – After breakfast we will take the motor canoe and head out of the reserve to visit an indigenous visit an indigenous family of the Quichua del Oriente community.Our guides will instruct the group about the customs, traditions and way of life of this community. traditions and way of life of this community. Return to the lodge for lunch. In the afternoon we will and visit the Guatusos trail, a site where we will have a new opportunity to learn through the where we will have a new opportunity to learn through our guides the use of some plants in the the use of some of the plants in the indigenous culture, as well as being able to delight in the sounds of the the sounds of birds, insects and animals. Return to the lodge for dinner and dinner and overnight.

FRIDAY: In the afternoon we will take the Tucan trail that will take us to one of the highest observation towers in the Amazon.of the Amazon. Upon arrival at the tower we will stay in its viewpoint observing a wide variety of high altitude birds.Return to the lodge; lunch.In the afternoon we will equip ourselves for hiking and visit the Caiman trail, We will have a new opportunity to learn from our guides about the use of some plants in the guides the use of some plants in the indigenous culture, as well as to delight ourselves with the sounds of the the sounds of birds, monkeys, insects and animals, combined with paddleboat rides along the river combined with paddling along the river and the lagoon. Return to the lodge for dinner and overnight.

Pure bottled water on excursions and meals
River transportation Coca – Yarina – Coca
Scheduled excursions
Local naturalist guide Spanish
Bilingual naturalist guide ( English – Spanish )
Rubber boots (only up to # 43)

Tips and bar expenses.
Extra meals and drinks.
Transportation Quito – Coca – Quito (Flights $250) 
Rubber boots (size larger than #43).
Personal equipment: flashlight, water poncho.

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